How do I know what form of sedation is best for me?

How do I know what form of sedation is best for me

Your Family Dentist in Yorba Linda will review your medical history and extent of dental fears to decide what form of sedation is right for you.

Intravenous sedation, is a deeper form of sedation. It is safe and totally reversible. Your dentist may use multiple drugs to manage pain and anxiety. Most common drugs used are Versed and Demerol. With intravenous sedation you may not take anything per oral 8 hours prior to the procedure. Your oxygen saturation, heart rate and Blood pressure are constantly monitored.

If you are scared of the I.V needle you may choose nitrous oxide sedation or sedation with oral medication. Nitrous oxide sedation is safe and reversible immediately. You may feel light-headed and euphoric. You may choose to have nitrous oxide sedation for routine dental procedures such as scaling and root planing. Most patients fear dental treatment such as periodontal cleaning due to the pain and sensitivity involved during the procedure. There is no need to fear the dentist in Yorba Linda anymore!!

Oral sedation is done with pills given an hour before the dental procedure. The pill is usually placed under your tongue for faster effect. Your dentist may either give you a prescription for the pill or give it to you on the day of the procedure. Sometimes, your Yorba Linda dentist may ask you to take the pill overnight before the actual procedure as well, to calm you down and ensure you have a good night sleep. Oral sedation is difficult to triturate and is not reversible immediately. For some patients, it may take effect immediately while for other it may take longer to take effect.

Irrespective of the type of sedation, you must have a responsible caretaker who is willing to drive you to the dental office, be there during the procedure, take you home and stay with you for a few hours till you recuperate.

If you are one of those patients who is holding back on your dental treatment due to the fear and apprehension of treatment, sedation is the ultimate way help you relax.

We are Here to Help

If you are feeling pain, let Dr. Rogers know. He can recommend what form of sedation is right for you. Call us to learn more or to meet our Yorba Linda dentist.

Office Hours

Monday 8:30 AM5:30 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM5:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM5:30 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM5:30 PM
Friday Closed
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Bruce M. Rogers, DDS

19621 Yorba Linda Blvd
Yorba Linda, California,


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Bruce M. Rogers, DDS